Tips & Tricks For San Diego to Manage Coming Colorado Arctic Blast

The University of San Diego men’s soccer is traveling to Pioneer Field Thursday for a 2:00 pm MT first-round NCAA Tournament match. The City of Denver is expecting a high of 30 degrees and a 60% chance of snow.  And San Diego? 72 degrees on Thursday and partly cloudy. Here are a few tips for managing the cold…

  • To avoid cracked lips, take half a lemon, salt, and a bottle of tequila – make a couple of margaritas and stay in San Diego.
  • Yes, yellow snow could be Gatorade. Then, again…it might not be.
  • Be thankful for Amazon Prime and place a rush order. It is going to be extremely cold so kindly consider extra small.

  • In freezing weather, the ball becomes a dangerous projectile. If you can’t do this (below), skip the headers.

  • There are seven signs of hypothermia: shivering, exhaustion, confusion, fumbling hands, memory loss, slurred speech, and drowsiness. Experience these symptoms and you are either at Garnett Ave after midnight on a weekend or you are in Denver playing in the first round of the NCAA’s in November.
In case of a blizzard, have the trainer put bacon in your socks. If you get lost, the search dogs can find you.
  • Snow Angels are so yesterday...don’t do it. Just. Don’t. Do. It!
  • When you can’t feel your face or toes, it will be 2:00. Time for kickoff!
  • Enjoy the first half because falling temperatures precede sunset at 4:42 pm MT.
  • Don’t research cold weather hypoxia until after you leave Denver. It will only spoil your trip.

One thought on “Tips & Tricks For San Diego to Manage Coming Colorado Arctic Blast”

  1. Excellent advice. I like it. I would also suggest the following for all San Diego players and coaches: before and during the match, enjoy the world famous 3 for 1 shot, the 3 Wise Men–Jack D, Jim B, and Jose C. Do them back-to-back-to-back in rapid succession a couple times during the game, and they will be primed for success.

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