When a tie is a ‘win’ – Colorado College has Company

Colorado College tied the University of Denver twice earlier this season (4-4, 1-1) at Magness Arena and the World Arena. Their results, specifically their three-on-three overtime “victory” at Magness Arena, were widely hailed as ‘wins’ by the Colorado Springs faithful – especially after dropping 14 straight to the Pioneers heading into the series.

Video: Jeopardy used to allow for multiple winners with a tie but added a tie-breaker in 2016 to select a single winner to advance to the next show.

Our research staff identified seven rare scenarios where a tie is actually considered a ‘win’.

  • When a defendant faces a hung jury, there is a mistrial declared and the defendant is neither convicted nor acquitted. However, in many cases, the defendant may not be retried.
  • In the game of blackjack, an ace/10 will win a bigger payout than a hand of 21  – even though the players have an identical score of 21. Also, in some games of blackjack, especially for charitable events, a tie goes to the house.
  • When a lottery has two or more contestants that select the same winning numbers, each is determined to be a winner and share the spoils.

    Image result for lottery winners
    By selecting the same winning numbers, many lotteries  have multiple ‘winners’
  • A tie bid on eBay goes to the first bidder to set the winning price.
  • In horse racing, a tie results in multiple winners. A dead heat payout is calculated by dividing the stake payout proportionally between the number of winners in the race.
  • In the board game Risk, a tie always goes to the defender.
  • Whenever CC ties the University of Denver in hockey it is a win for the Tigers.

CC will be going for the win or the ‘tie for the win‘ starting this weekend on Friday at the Broadmoor World Arena at 8:00 pm as part of the NCHC game of the week, televised on the CBS Sports Network.

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